Studying in Russia

~Your Survival Guide~


Russian Life

Assalamualaikum wrt.

By the time you reach this page of survival tips in Russia, a morsel of preconceptions and assumptions might have shaped your thoughts and ideas about living in Russia. Regardless of what people say, this is the path you have chosen and the experience can only be as good as you want it to be.

Bury deep your precariousness and parlous feeling and start embracing new experiences as an adventurous Muslim soul trodding on a foreign soil.

We have actually compiled all the infos you need to enjoy every tiny bit of your life here and triumph as a dedicated muslim student. So, treat this a dumbed-down version of Lonely Planet.

Enjoy your 5 or 6-years stint in Russia and we whole-heartedly welcome you here =).

Salam Silaturrahim.

-Muslim Student Circle of Russia-



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